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Downloads For Social Marketing

New Media World

"This report focuses on social marketing, micro blogging and serious web 2.0 search engine tactics"
In this report:
* Using the latest social marketing strategies to increase traffic and sales
* Invade Search Engine Results using Remote Satellite Sites
* Vlogcast Syndication
* Micro Media Marketing overview including Twitter, Pownce and Jaiko
Plus much more

Internet Entrepreneurship Survival Guide - PLR

Social Marketing [i.e. Joint Venture Marketing] is the critical key to enjoying on-going success. There are approximate 100,000,000+ Web sites out there...and growing daily.

Without some good old' fashion joint venture networking skills under your belt; your chances of *not* getting noticed are virtually guaranteed! Though there are many different types of leverage, two- in particular- will
be explored in this segment:

* Part One
Group leverage
Traffic leverage
Labor replication

* Part Two
Compelling copy
Getting your readers attention
Personalize and be specific
Plus much much more...

Massive Blog Traffic - MRR

Learn how to get massive traffic to your blog virtually overnight. This is the easiest tried and tested methods to turn your blog into a non stop traffic machine.
What you will learn in this guide:
* How to get thousands of qualified free visitors with article marketing.
* How to get any where from 60 to 100 visitors a day for each page of your blog by simply clicking a button.
* How to write blog content to presale affiliate programs like you have never seen before.
* How to use social book marking websites to get loads of free traffic.
* How to get all the free advertising your blog(s) can handle!
* How to write informative blog posts within minutes.
And a lot more...

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